Originally delivered on 6/9/2024 4:00 pm

SUBJECT: SHS PTO Weekly News: June 10 - 14

Last Week of School! It's time for FINALS

Can you believe it's the last week of school already?! Your child is probably already preparing for finals, but here is the schedule for the week:

Monday, June 10, 2024

8:00am - 10:00am: Period 7

10:30am - 12:30pm: Period 8

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

8:00am - 10:00am: Period 5

10:30am - 12:30pm: Period 6

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

8:00am - 10:00am: Period 3

10:30am - 12:30pm: Period 4

Thursday, January 13, 2024

8:00am - 10:00am: Period 1

10:30am - 12:30pm: Period 2

Friday, June 14, 2024

Last Day of School for Students

Single Session E Day

Make up Exams

Illness on the day of an exam is addressed by the normal procedure for calling a student out sick through the attendance office.

Any student who misses an exam without prior approval will not be allowed to take the exam.

Students will be released at 12:30 pm each exam day.

Food will be available for purchase in the cafeteria between 10 am and 10:30 am.

We Need Volunteers for a Reunification Drill on Wednesday Afternoon

The City of Summit Police and Fire departments will be holding a Reunification Drill this Wednesday afternoon from 3 - 6 pm, and we need volunteers to participate.

The reunification drill will simulate what would occur after an incident has taken place at the school and will involve the process of the police releasing students and staff from a lockdown situation at the school, the communication from the district to the families, and, ultimately, the reunification of students and families at an off-campus location. 

See the letter sent by Mr. Hough and Mrs. Grimaldi here.

Without student and family volunteers, this drill can not take place. We are asking for Summit High School families (high school students and their parent/guardian) to volunteer their time to participate in this drill and to provide feedback after the drill so we can better improve the process.

If you and your family would be willing to participate in this very important event,PLEASE SIGN UP HERE.

Reminder to Return Textbooks!

Yes, your kids DO still have textbooks in some classes. A reminder for them to turn those in next week on the day of their exam for that respective class.

ALL SENIORS SHOULD TURN IN ITEMS (TEXTBOOKS, CHROMEBOOKS, CHARGERS, ETC.) BY MONDAY. They will not receive their diplomas if they have not returned these things (how's that for incentive?)

Finally, THANK YOU To All Our Volunteers and Committee Chairs

A huge THANK YOU from the PTO to everyone who has contributed to our school this year. From donating items for hospitality to flocking yards with pink plastic birds to helping out on the PTO and in countless other ways, it's great people like you who make this community so special.

The PTO would like to say a special thank you to:

-- Suzanne Henry for taking on our website redesign and relaunch, as well as keeping us up to date on posts on Instagram

-- Amy Flack and Noreen Conway for taking charge of our flamingo flock

-- Katherin Marx and Heidi Russell for taking the lead on hospitality, making sure our staff are well fed and pampered throughout the year.

Wishing all of you a healthy and happy summer. For those moving on, we'll miss you and for those returning, we'll see you back in September!

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